I have a dear best friend. Her name is Mandie. And it's awesomely convenient that our names rhyme. It was also awesomely convenient that we grew up next door neighbors. This is where the mermaid thing all began. Here's the story:
I was 9 and I was jumping on my trampoline in my backyard.
Mandie was also 9 and was riding her bike.
She rode past my house, I yelled at her from the tramp.
She gets off her bike and comes over.
"Do you want to play?", I ask.
"Sure, what do you want to do?" Mandie answers.
I don't know who decided or thought of it, but the activity was mermaids.
We then continued to jump on my tramp pretending to be mermaids all afternoon.
This was our very first time together. A start of a lasting, true friendship, right? Ever since, we used our imagination a lot. Eventually we got boobs and degrees and became real life adults. But mermaids have become like a symbol of our friendship. Birthday and Christmas presents between us usually include some sort of mermaid twist. We've even stooped to mermaid presents for helping each other get over break ups. When we were a bit more rebellious, we seriously considered getting mermaid tattoos.
So there you are. This is where my obsession of mermaids all began.
I was 9 and I was jumping on my trampoline in my backyard.
Mandie was also 9 and was riding her bike.
She rode past my house, I yelled at her from the tramp.
She gets off her bike and comes over.
"Do you want to play?", I ask.
"Sure, what do you want to do?" Mandie answers.
I don't know who decided or thought of it, but the activity was mermaids.
We then continued to jump on my tramp pretending to be mermaids all afternoon.
This was our very first time together. A start of a lasting, true friendship, right? Ever since, we used our imagination a lot. Eventually we got boobs and degrees and became real life adults. But mermaids have become like a symbol of our friendship. Birthday and Christmas presents between us usually include some sort of mermaid twist. We've even stooped to mermaid presents for helping each other get over break ups. When we were a bit more rebellious, we seriously considered getting mermaid tattoos.
So there you are. This is where my obsession of mermaids all began.
Sometimes I pretend to be a mermaid as an adult too.